Stranded Inventory

What is stranded inventory in Amazon Seller Central?

Stranded inventory in Amazon Seller Central refers to the stocks/inventory available in the Amazon warehouse with no active offers.

In simple words, the listing for which you sent an inventory to Amazon for FBA is either deactivated or pending approval from Amazon for some reason.

Reasons for Stranded Inventory on Amazon

Here is a list of a few reasons that lead to stranded inventory:

1. Listing may be deleted/closed

Search for the product listing in the Manage Inventory section through SKU or ASIN; if the listing is deleted or not found, recreate a new listing for the product. Contact support and get the stranded inventory attached to the new listing.

Check the fulfillment status:

Check the listing details and look for fulfillment status. If it is set to merchant fulfillment, swap it to Amazon fulfillment.

The Amazon product listing optimization service must be considered for businesses focused on product marketing and strategy.

2. Inventory or listing error

Amazon has certain criteria for a few product categories, such as hazardous products. So, if your product falls under restricted categories, then your shipment may be under review by the Amazon team. Once the inventory clears the inspection test, your inventory will be out of the stranded zone.

3. Restricted ASIN:

Another possible reason behind “Stranded Inventory” could be intellectual property infringement, high return rates, or product quality issues.

What happens to stranded inventory?

If your inventory status is “Stranded,” you cannot sell it through Amazon until you resolve the issue.

If Amazon doesn’t activate your listing, you will need to take out the shipment from the Amazon warehouse and get it back. If you do not take the shipment back, Amazon will dispose of the stranded inventory after a certain deadline.

How do you deal with stranded inventory issues?

If you see your inventory in the stranded zone, immediately contact support by phone or email. They will audit the issue and provide you with the much-needed support to deal with the issue.



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